
Friday, June 25, 2010

A Little Magic Left For Upper Deck

Upper Deck may have lost their baseball license but they are still trying to cash in on the Stephen Strasburg hype machine. While the Strasburg cards that are included in Upper Deck’s 2009 Baseball Series 2 release are officially USA Baseball cards and not actually considered rookie cards that did not stop this guy from tossing up a GMA Authenticated Gem Mt Strasburg USA card for $100, I know… I had to muffle my snickering when I saw that.

How is UD hyping the inclusion of Strasburg in their Series 2 release? By tossing a huge red sticker on discounted blaster boxes that sit damaged on store shelves. What is sad is that these $11.98 blaster boxes are selling for $30 and up online. Maybe I should have grabbed that last couple of boxes left on the shelf tonight and put them up for auction.


It has been brought to my attention that the distributors, not Upper Deck, are adding the stickers to the boxes. Thank you to those who have contacted me and let me know.


  1. I don't think it is Upper Deck putting the stickers on the blasters, but the company who ended up with the blasters and has to sell them through retail outlets i.e. Target, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, etc.

  2. Oh, ok, that makes sense. It is a good idea though, it seems to be drawing attention to the boxes.

  3. Larry is correct, the distributor is adding those stickers.
