
Monday, August 29, 2011

Part III- 2011 Horrors of War Cut Signature Cards

This is part three of a three-part story

Benito Mussolini- WWII
The main focus of the revived Horrors of War set is the inclusion of 1/1 cut signatures in each pack. With each pack/box containing a 1/1 cut signature and 1600 total packs/boxes being created that means that the checklist is 1600 people long. Talk about an amazing feat putting this set together.

Here is the complete checklist available on Famous Fabrics Ink’s web site.

Douglas MacArthur- WWII Version
Each cut signature card design is different for each military action to designate that specific war. In some cases, such as in the case of Thomas Pinckney and Abner Doubleday where they served in multiple conflicts they were assigned a specific war and included in that portion of the checklist only while others like Douglas MacArthur were included in multiple sections- MacArthur has a cut signature in the World War I, World War II and Korean War checklists. The WWII checklist is by far the largest portion of the set

Wilber Brucker- WWI

The checklist is amazing to say the least and includes soldiers, world leaders and other personalities tied to each military action. Here is the list of all wars including in the set.

American Revolution (1776-1783)

Boer War (1899-1902)

Civil War (1861-1863)

Cold War (1945-1991)

Great French War (1792-1815)

Gulf War (1991)

Korean War (1951-1953)

Mexican-American War (1846-1848)

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Spanish-American War (1898)

Vietnam War (1963-1975)

War in Iraq (2003-2011)

War of 1812 (1812)

War on Terror (2001-2011)

World War I (1914-1918)

World War II (1939-1945)

Prices of the cut signatures range most topping $100 easily and as far as I know none of the major signatures have been pulled yet. Some of the bigger names include Fidel Castro, JFK, Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler, Erwin Rommel, Benito Mussolini and Douglas MacArthur.

Erwin Rommel- WWII

Robert Mason- Vietnam War

Jame Tallmadge- War of 1812

1 comment:

  1. Here is my opinion about prices of horrors of war cards(2011):

    1. Adolf Hitler- 40,000$
    2. Benito Mussollini- 25,000$
    3. Saddam Hussein- 20,000$
    4. Herwin Rommel- 15,000$
    5. Douglas MacCarthur -12,000$
    5. Herman Goering - 10,000$
    6. Fidel Castro - 9,000$
    7. Heinrich Himmler- 9,000$
    8. John F. Kennedy- 5,000$
    9. Margaret Thatcher-5,000$
    10.Charles De Gaulle- 4,000$
    11.Nikita Kruschev- 4,000$
    12.Winston Churchill- 4,000$
    13.Richard Nixon--4,000$
    14.John Eisenhower-3,000$
    15.Jimmy Carter -3,000$
    16.Most of the cards from American Revolution - 2,000$

    Let me know what you think.
