
Friday, November 11, 2011

An Interesting Deal For Christian Slater

Rittenhouse is set to release a new Star Trek set next week: Star Trek Classic Movies Heroes& Villains, a premium set where packs cost $50/pack and a box is $750/box. Why the high cost? Each pack contains 9 cards including 5 Heroes and Villains base cards, 1 Tribute card, 1 Die-cut card and 2 autographs. Each box contains 15 packs and is guaranteed to contain at least 1 Shatner or Nimoy autograph and a Crew Patch box topper (Which appears to be a manufactured patch).

What caught my attention of the set though was a write up from Beckett’s Susan Lulgjuraj. Christian Slater is one of the signers for the 20-card autograph checklist and unlike most autograph sessions Slater did not charge Rittenhouse to sign, they instead worked out a trade where Slater received Star Trek cards from the set. A very interesting deal, it takes a true fan of the show/movies to be willing to work a trade like this one.

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