
Friday, January 27, 2012

Preview: 2012 Press Pass Essential Elvis

Next week (February 1st) Press Pass will be releasing Essential Elvis, a mid-level product that includes 3 hits per box. Since 2006 Press Pass has released 5 different Elvis sets not counting this one (2006 Elvis Lives, 2007 Elvis Is, 2007 Elvis The Music, 2008 Elvis By The Numbers and 2010 Elvis Milestones). Each release was your standard 24-28 packs per box and besides the 2007 Elvis The Music (1 auto/memorabilia per box) set the hits were pretty rare.

With each 1-pack box you will receive 6 cards including 3 base cards, 1 autograph, 1 memorabilia and 1 additional auto or memorabilia card. Boxes should run in the $50-55 range.

Autographs include Elvis, his father Vernon, band members or co-stars who appeared with him in movies including Mary Tyler Moore, Barbara Eden and Nancy Sinatra.

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