
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Preview: The Guild

Last month I posted a write-up for The Guild, a set being released by Cryptozoic Entertainment in February. Initially only the autograph cards were shown but they have now posted images of the base cards and both chase sets. There is also a shot of a Felicia Day wardrobe card in the “Coming Soon” header for the release.

Each base card will show scenes from an episode from the first two seasons (which changed from the initial announcement of the first three seasons). As you can see Cryptozoic uses one design with a scene on the front and a second scene on the back with a blurb about the specific sequence.

One chase set is based on Cyd/Codex's video blog, there are 9 cards in the set.

The second chase set is the actor’s biography. Each card depicts a different actor and there are 9 cards in the set.

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