
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Upon Further Review...

Back in December while wondering aloud as to why so many people seem to be so excited over 2011 Topps American Pie I closed out my post with the idea that I may pick up a blaster box to get a closer look at the product. Two month later I finally followed through with it and picked up a blaster today and as I sit here watching Paul (still hilarious after watching it 4 or 5 times) I ripped open the packs and can say my initial feelings for the product still stand. Stick to picking up the singles that you want and ignore the rest.

Admittedly some of the cards do have appeal and I do like that the cards all include a write up on the back of the card. Seeing a couple icons like Orwell, Lennon and Cobain put a smile on my face.

While others are just dismal, I understand certain points in American history are important but does Zip Codes, Sony Walkman and New Coke really have a place on a card?

As expected every pack included a parallel or insert. I pulled two foil parallels- Barbie and Michael Phelps.

Two Fads & Fashions- Zoot Suits and Tickle Me Elmo

A Hirsute History card with a douchebag looking at me like I just deleted the newest episode of Jersey Shores off of his DVR. I find it sad that Topps even states on the back of the card that the hair style made famous by Julius Caesar and more recently by George Clooney would use a picture of this guy instead of either Caesar or Clooney.
The only insert that I actually like is the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Pulling Marilyn Monroe, Buster Keaton and Houdini sealed the deal as my favorite insert by far.

I was surprised by pulling an American Pie Relic, Maksim Chmerkovskiy. I have never seen Dancing With The Stars so I had no idea who he was without reading the back but it says that he was most recently paired with Hope Solo, whom I would have much rather have pulled as a relic.

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