
Friday, March 23, 2012

Preview: 2012 Sportkings Series E

Henderson Base
Sport King is finishing up the final stages of Sportkings Series E and is set to hit shelves on May 3, 2012. The price for each 5 card box is $100 and you will pull 3 Base cards (with the possibility of pulling a mini version) one Base card Premium Back and one insert (Game Used Memorabilia card or on-card Autograph card). Cases include 48-box/packs and are actually broken up in to 3 separate 16-box inner cases. Each 16-box inner case will include a Cut Signature card, a Spectacular Patch card or a 1/1 Art card painted by Jared Kelley.
Thomas Mini
The set includes a 48-card checklist and each base card has a mini parallel (1:2 boxes) and there are also Silver (#/7) and Gold (#/3) mini parallels. The Premium Back base cards will include a letter on the back, collect all the letters to spell “Sportkings” and you can win a Quad Game-Used Memorabilia card, a 1/1 Sketch card or a 1/1 Art Card.
Navratilova Mini Gold

Sport Kings may not have licensing, so all of the athletes included are retired, but Dr. Price has worked serious magic and got some of the greatest sports stars every to sign for this product. Some of the people who signed (on-card autographs) for Series E include Ken Griffey Jr., Bill Walton and Kyle Petty.
Griffey Gold Auto
I have seen a handful of the 1/1 painting cards that Jared Kelley has done for the release, so far the Magic Johnson, Ivan Lendl, Rocky Marciano Seabiscuit and Angelo Dundee preview images have been released.

 The rest of these cards are Case Hits, along with the Kelley Painted cards above, include Cut Signatures and Spectacular Patches.

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