
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Upper Deck Brings Back Shoeless Joe

Joe Jackson is once again making an appearance in an Upper Deck set. In 2001 Upper Deck became the first major card company to add Jackson to their checklist when he showed up in the 2001 SP Legendary Cuts release. They even managed to get a game used bat (from his post MLB-ban days) and included not one but two bat relic cards in the Debut Bat Cards insert. He had a single bat relic card and a dual bat relic card with Hall of Famer Paul Waner.

Prior to Upper Deck’s 2001 release Jackson made a couple of appearances in modern day releases, specifically the Conlon sets during the 90s and a Pacific release around the same time. He has also appeared in Donruss/Panini sets a couple of times since 2008 but they tended to use photos from his later years after he left baseball.

Upper Deck has just announced that they will include a Joe Jackson bat relic in the upcoming 2012 Goodwin Champions release which should be out in just about 2 weeks. Once again there will be a single relic card and a multi-swatch relic card, I do not know if this means he will be paired with another player (like he was in the 2001 SP set), if it will be two Jackson bat relics or if it will be a bat relic and maybe a jersey relic.

I do prefer the 2001 SP Legendary Cuts design but I would not cry about pulling this card. I like that Upper Deck has taken a different route and is using art depicting his time with the Cleveland Naps, where he made his biggest impact in the league. I do not understand why they aged him though, I have included a picture that was most likely used by the artist to create this image for comparison and you can see he was quite younger (@ 25 years old) at the time the photo was taken.

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