
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Topps Is Using Guerrilla Marketing (Wisely) With Valor Football

What does Topps have in store for Topps Valor Football?
For the past month Topps has been teasing about a new product, even opening a special Twitter account, but until last Wednesday it has been quotes and a mysterious “V” logo. Since Wednesday though it has now been a steady flow of preview images for the upcoming Valor Football set scheduled for release early next year. So far a base card and 5 autograph cards have been posted up.
Topps has turned to guerrilla marketing with this product, releasing just enough to keep us coming back for more and I have to admit they are doing it right and they have my full attention. I am keeping my eyes open for each new Tweet, hoping to get insight to another part of this artistic set. Well played Topps!

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