
Friday, October 5, 2012

And Chipper Jones Goes Quietly In To The Night

After the Seahawks-Packers Monday Night Fiasco the referees/umpires are under constant media scrutiny. Tonight’s Braves-Cardinals one-game playoff game was probably not the night for an umpire to call a questionable rule especially in this situation. It was in the 8th; the Cardinals are up 6-3 when the Braves Simmons knocks a pop-up in to Left Field with two players on and one out.
Left Field Umpire Sam Holbrook gestures an Infield Fly Rule just as the ball is falling to the ground automatically marking Simmons as out and in this case holding the Braves runners. So what should have been bases-loaded with one out it became two outs and deflated the sails of the Braves.
Understand that even if this Infield Fly Rule was not called that there is no proof that the Braves would have come back and won the game but you are left wondering.
The Infield Fly Rule is designed to protect players, unfortunately there is no set specific standard that defines how the rule is to be used and is left to the discretion of an umpire.
It truly is disappointing seeing Chipper Jones end his 19-year career on a game that ended in controversy, but he seems to be taking it graciously.
So just like in the Seahawks-Packers game, no matter how much evidence there is to the fact the ruling will not be changed and the game overturned. Once again a single referee/umpire makes a decision that ultimately affects the outcome of a game.

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