
Friday, May 24, 2013

Preview: 2013 Panini Cooperstown Baseball

Scheduled Release Date: 8/14/13
Box Configuration: 24 packs/box and 6 cards/pack
SRP: $86/box

Box Break:
1 Hall of Famer autograph
24 Colgan’s Chips Disks
12 Cracked Ice parallels
4 Historic Tickets
3 Museum Pieces
2 Cooperstown Lumberjack Wood cards
2 Base card Short Prints
1 Box Topper

What to Expect:
For $86 you truly get a lot of value when you take in to consideration all of the inserts that you will be pulling including one Colgan’s Chip Disk card in every pack and a Cracked Ice parallel in every other pack.

The base set is made up of 100 cards plus 10 colorized short prints for a 110-card checklist. There are five Cracked Ice parallels for each base card; Green (6 per box), Blue (#/499, 3 per box), Red (#/399, 2 per box), Gold (#299, 1 per box) and Black (1/1).

The inserts include Colgan’s Chips Disks, based on the cards inserted in to packages of chips between 1909 (E254 1909-11) and 1913 (E270 1912-13). Historic Tickets focus on important games like World Series games. The Museum Pieces spotlights equipment of museum quality from Hall of Famers. Cooperstown Lumberjack Wood cards are printed on wood to have the appearance of a baseball bat.

You will also pull one of two box toppers, either a 5x7 Cooperstown Lumberjacks Die Cut card (not sure if it is wood) or a Pennant.

My Thoughts:
The ugly base cards are back with desaturated images, though slightly better than last year’s unpleasant design this year’s design is still ugly. I am not sure why Panini insists on using browns in the set’s design. Even with the base design being what it is the set will still probably do well. The price is ideal, the autographs are on-card and HOFers (or buyback autographs) and the inserts are interesting.

This year I look forward to the Lumberjack wood cards, I do like some of the oddball ideas that Panini comes up with in some of their sets. This isn’t the first time a company included wood cards but I just like the way that these appear as bats. The interesting thing about this insert is that there are variations so one player may have four or five different versions.

I don’t plan on buying a box but I will probably pick up some packs and maybe some singles down the road to add to my collection. I am a fan of the Deadball Era so the wood cards appeal to me.

On-card autographs
Hall of Fame checklist
Cooperstown Lumberjack wood cards
Lots of inserts
Reasonable price

Not a pleasing base card design

This is a difficult set for me to rate because I dislike the base set, which is the focus of the release, so I am leaning towards a lower rating but the autographs, Colgan’s Chips disks and Lumberjack wood cards really interest me so I find myself torn. I think to be fair I am going to hold up on a rating at this time.

This card is just a mockup, this is not Chance's real autograph

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