
Friday, August 2, 2013

Juice Me!

So as Major League Baseball considers what punishment is deserving for Alex Rodriguez in the Biogenesis PED scandal word comes from the Rodriguez camp that Alex plans to continue playing and “fight this to the end”.
A-Rod’s cards have always carried some value even through his “Pay me!” egotistical, philanderous attitude that has followed him since his time in Seattle. There has always been the belief that he has juiced most of his career and it would seem that his connection to the Biogenesis lab may be the final nail in his coffin.


Question #1:
 If Rodriguez were to be banned would his cards take a steep drop in value?
My opinion: When you look at how McGwire and Bonds, who were not banned, cards dropped after they left the game it would seem almost certain that Rodriguez’s cards will drop too.
Question #2: If Alex Rodriguez were to be banned on Monday, the date the MLB has set for the announcement of his punishment, would Topps have to pull his cards from the remaining 10 sets scheduled for the remainder of the year? (Not counting the Allen & Ginters release next week)
My opinion: I am not certain. This would cost Topps money to pull all of his cards plus he has been active this season so MLB may allow a one-time inclusion for 2013 sets.

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