
Friday, October 18, 2013

A GPK Take On The Olympics

I am not a Garbage Pail Kids collector, I was hitting my teens when they were first released. I looked for the cards that played off of my name but those are long gone but my daughter loves them now so I get a chance to see what is out there and I have to say that some of the artwork is quite clever.
What got my attention from the upcoming 2014 Series 1 release are the inserts. Following trends from both sports releases and comic releases we have seen chrome versions, parallels, printing plates, inserts, sketch cards and artist autographs but Topps stepped it with Full Bleed Canvas cards, Olym-Picks Motion cards and Textured Relics.

Because the set is being released around the time of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia there are a number of Olympic related cards. There will be cards based Olympic sports, medals and lenticular motion cards showing “Epic” crashes.
Cloth stickers and Full Bleed Canvas cards are pretty cool. Cloth stickers are not new, they have been in Topps products before but the canvas cards are printed on an actual canvas. Sketch cards, artist autographs and bonus stickers are back with the addition of die-cut sketch cards.

The cards that caught my attention are the Texture Relics, they are manufactured relics added to some of the cards to give a new dimension. I figured that they would be similar to the manufactured relics that we have seen taking over in sports so I didn’t give two thoughts to it until I saw a relic card and got a laugh. They are 1:48 packs (every other box) so they are not super rare but I think GPK collectors are going to grab them up because they are different.

1 comment:

  1. GPK was always one of my favorites as a kid. Really wish I still had those! I bought up quite a few packs last year. These relic cards look pretty funny and creative, but like most GPK things; they're a little gross.
