
Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Big Thank You To Daniel Wilson

I want to take the opportunity today to thank Daniel Wilson from It’s Like Having My Own Card Shop. One of my 2014 goals that I have for my blog is to reach 100 followers, I had 65 followers at the time. Daniel emailed me and offered to run a contest to help me reach my 100 follower goal. This was a completely selfless action by Daniel. Without even knowing me he made this offer to help me reach my goal and this is why I love the collecting blogsphere, there are so many collectors who are willing to help out others.
I am a very personal person and rarely talk about myself outside of sports, even using just my nickname on my blog, but earlier this week I had back surgery. I actually wrote three posts before the surgery and my son helped me by posting them for me. Needless to say I have been in a pained stupor and Daniel’s offer has helped put a smile on my face. Daniel is a fellow Arizonan and I am really touched by his offer. I am putting together some cards for him from my personal collection to show my appreciation and I will be paying it forward and help another blogger reach their 2014 goal.


  1. Praying for a speedy and complete recovery for you. Daniel may have started something big.

  2. Glad to help a fellow blogger and Arizonan! Only 18 more Followers to go!
