
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Frustrations Of A Ghost

When it comes to collecting specific players or teams there can be frustration, hunting down the cards can be difficult and with today’s never ending parade of rainbow parallels it seems even worse. Now you not only search for the base card but you are also chasing down the colored parallels, the chrome versions, the platinum versions, the five different refractors and the special short-print, diamond refractor photo variation printed on the back of a pure 24k gold chocolate chip cookie card.

The one frustration that seems to get at me the most though is the “Ghost” card. The card you swear you have seen in your collection but when you are looking for it the card is no longer there. My phantom card is the 1995 Pinnacle Ken Griffey Jr. card, #128. The card where he is blowing a giant bubble. I swear this card is in my collection but I cannot find it. I have a binder specifically for my Griffey collection, all of his cards go in this binder and once they go in they do not come out. It just drives me crazy that I know I had this card but it now has disappeared. 


  1. Been there many times. Generally it happens to me when I've promised to trade a card...then I can't find it anywhere.

  2. Yep I have had many ghost cards and phantom cards. Usually they are cards from the late 60s early 70s that I originally had as a kid and could have sworn I had seen it in the collection in recent years, but of course when I search and destroy for it, can't find it.

    Sometimes like a few months back I had a card on one of my most wanted lists I ended up buying from ebay or from a sportlots store and then the day it arrived (maybe the day before) I found the phantom copy of it that I had/thought I had/actually still had.

  3. I complete feel your pain. This happens to me all of the time. Part of my problem is that I live in a townhouse, so my cards are store in several different places: my office, my buddy's garage, and at my parent's house. Hopefully one day, I'll own an actual house where I can store my collection in one place. At that time, I'll then face the issue of "ghost cards" from my binders.

  4. been there for sure. LOL. It is nice when they eventually show up (usually from being misplaced the last time they were handled)

  5. I checked and I've got a double of this one. It's yours!
