
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Prize That Is Finally Mine

During the 2013 Industry Summit Famous Fabrics, to promote the upcoming Horrors of War II release, inserted three different relics in random packs. The three relics; WWII Navy Flight Suit, Vietnam Army Uniform and Spanish-American War Tunic, were limited to #/30 each for a total of 90 cards in the set.
I picked up the WWII and Spanish-American War relics right after the Industry Summit but the Vietnam relic card supply dried up. Since March 2013 I have been waiting patiently for a sign of any of the Vietnam relics to show up with no luck. Last week a Canadian dealer posted up two of them for auction, I was in heaven, and at $9.99 (plus $4 shipping) I was the only bidder so I won with no change in the price. I didn’t see what the second one sold for but at the $13.99 total price I paid was actually less than I paid for the other two cards ($18 & $24).
Here are all three of my cards together, a nice collection for a history buff like me. It is always a great feeling when you complete a set, even though this is only 3 cards it was a chase.


  1. Congrats, some very cool relics!

  2. Those are awesome! Nice pickups.

  3. Unique! I still have my late father's WWII Ike jacket. 70 years old and it still looks like new. Here's a photo of a similar one:

  4. These are awesome! I'm surprised these are so affordable. If I found the trio for under $60, I'd definitely add it to my collection. Hopefully in the future they'll make one honoring the Korean War. If they do, I'll have to buy it for my father.

    1. There are relics from the Korean War in the Horrors Of War II set. I believe it is a helmet cover.

    2. Thanks. Headed over to eBay right now.
