
Friday, June 6, 2014

Five Years Of Pack War!

I have to tell you, when I started this blog on June 6, 2009 I did not know what to expect. I just wanted to share my collecting stories with readers who were like minded. I have to admit, the beginning was a real learning experience. I was not certain where I wanted to go with my blog and it shows with some of my posts. There were some epic blogs at the time like Mario Alejandro’s Wax Heaven and Chris Harris’ Stale Gum and I just hoped to have just a fraction of their success.
There were plenty of hiccups and growing pains along the way, I didn’t want to ruffle anyone’s feathers. I kept posts as neutral as possible. It was late last year around the time of my 1,000th post in November when things finally clicked. I decided that it was time to stick with what I know and not worry about trying to cover everything. Along with my collecting and blog goals for 2014 I feel that things are finally starting to groove and I feel better. Occasionally I have writers block but I try to have a couple of posts or at least ideas that I can build on for that exact situation.
My family has been dealing with some tough weeks, including news that I will need additional back surgery (most likely early July), and my initial plan to celebrate my 5th Blog-versary in style was shelved. I have been in a funk and have been re-evaluating my collection so I can focus on the players and teams that I want to collect. When things get back in to full swing I promise I will do something to celebrate this momentous anniversary that I can share with my readers.
Here is to another 5 years!