
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When Desire Can Not Overcome Cost

The other night after I posted the follow up of the release of the 2014 Goodwin Champions release the Art of the Ages “Starry Nights” painted card came up for auction with a $2999.99 BIN price. This is my favorite painting by far, even standing above my love of Munch’s “The Scream”.
My first thought was that if I had $3000 I would buy this in a second but then I sat back and thought what a waste of money that would be. As much as I love this painting and would be in heaven if I owned this card the money would be better spent (if it was disposable cash) on building my personal collection. What is even more surprising is that this is not even the most expensive Art of the Ages painted card, that would go to Jim Mar’s interpretation of Raphael’s St.George at $20,000 BIN price.

This just continues to support my idea that it is difficult to spend more than a hundred or so on a modern card. Possibly if it were in the $150-200 range I would consider but there is a difference between loving a card and adding it to your collection and loving a card and being realistic.


  1. Just shows how ridiculous the trading card world and Ebay has become. Some of the "experts" in the Ebay trading card group (used to be their forum boards but all the specific category groups were moved to the "groups" in a recent Ebay update/"upgrade") would say that the seller is just "parking" or "archiving" the card with the super high price with no intent to actually sell it. I don't really subscribe to that way of thinking though. Lots of people think they can still make tons of money on Ebay, well if you have the right item at the right time you can, but for the most part the "get rich quick by selling on Ebay" days are over.

  2. I agree with the Captain. I mean, for $3000, I could fly to Chicago, stay in a five-star hotel, spend four days there in the Art Institute looking at Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces, eat at the best restaurants -- and still have like $200 left over to go to a Cubs or a Sox game in the best seats available.

    1. Tony,
      I bet you could also find a nice postcard or an 8x10 or 11x17 or whatever size you want print of the REAL painting for like $5 or less. So you got tons of extras for that $3000 you would have spent on a teeny card
