
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The NBA's Turn

After months of the NFL getting attention from the multiple domestic and child abuse cases the NBA has thrown their hat in to the ring. Today the NBA announced that Charlotte Hornets forward Jeff Taylor will be suspended for 24 games in response to his pleading guilty to domestic violence assault and now TMZ, verified by both Sports Illustrated and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, that Houston’s Dwight Howard is being investigated by Georgia officials involving child abuse claims by the mother of his child.
Apparently the mother contacted the Florida Department of Children and Families in August when she found their 6-year old child with bruises and abrasions on his backside and legs. The child was examined by a doctor who concluded that the injuries are consistent with a medical diagnosis of physical abuse.
There is no question that Howard is a producer on the court but over the past few years he has left some collectors in the cold with his childish antics in Orlando that led to him leaving for LA. His one and done in LA didn’t do much for his image either but it now seems like he has settled in to his role in Houston and he is having another solid season. With the team built around him the Rockets are a playoff contender so if he ends up in hot water over these allegations the team will be sure to drop if he is suspended. Additionally, like Adrian Peterson, I would expect his card prices to drop drastically.

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