
Thursday, August 6, 2015

What If? George Brett's Bat

It is known that sometimes one of the card manufacturers does something unexpected with an unusual one-of-a-kind relic. There is the 2007 Upper Deck Sweet Spot asterisk autograph and there is the 2000 Pacific Invincible Manny Ramirez Corked Bat relic but what seems to be missing is George Brett’s pine tar bat.

On July 24, 1983 the Yankees and Royals were playing a tight game in New York. George Brett knocked a 2-run homer in the top of the 9th with two out giving the Royals a 5-4 lead but Yankees manager Billy Martin complained that Brett’s bat had too much pine tar, the umpire (Tim McClelland) agreed and ruled Brett out thus ending the game. A protest was filed by the Royals, which was upheld and the game was replayed on August 18th from the point of Brett’s homerun. The Royals won 5-4 after some interesting protest, counter-protest and knuckleheaded moves by Billy Martin.

The bat is currently on display at the Baseball Hall of Fame but I had to wonder What If? Upper Deck got a hold of the bat and without fan fair inserted a 1/1 Bat Barrel from the infamous bat in to their 2007 Upper Deck Sweet Spot release?


  1. It would be a travesty 'cause that bat belongs in a museum. Fortunately, that will never happen since that bat was donated to the Hall.

    1. Oh yea, I fully agree. That is a one of a kind bat that needs to be on display, cutting it up would be a horrible move by any company.

  2. Why am I just now finding out about those other two cards? That Manny one might be added to my dream list one day.

  3. A. That Brett card is awesomely hilarious.
    B. Gotta get my hands on one of those Manny corked relic cards.
    C. I have several severely faded autographs from 2007 Sweet Spot. I'm thinking of making my own custom asterisk card.

    Great post.
