
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thoughts And Prayers To Lamar Odom And His Family

Yesterday I reported that New York Giants was in a fight with the MRSA virus, today I am sadly reporting another athlete in a dire situation.

Last night former LA Laker Lamar Odom was found unresponsive at a Nevada brothel where he had been staying for the last couple of days. It was reported that he had been drinking, but not much, as well as taking herbal enhancement capsules and it is now being said that he had been using cocaine. He was taken by ambulance to a Las Vegas where he has been put on life support.

Lamar Odom is a well-liked player both by teammates and fans and while he has been known to have his demons he has always remained a positive person.

Hopefully he comes through with no lasting damage. Thoughts and prayers to Lamar and his family.

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