
Friday, January 22, 2016

A Major League Pickup

The last couple of weeks I have been on a bit of a splurge to the detriment of my credit card, but I have not had a credit card since 1997 and after I got divorced last year I wanted to start rebuilding my credit so I got one of those cards that offers money back and anyway this is one of my pickups.

When Topps included the 5 Major League cards in the 2014 Topps Archives release I was pretty excited like many collectors but I was hoping that at least the base card versions would be reasonably priced, but I was quite wrong. Individual cards are beginning at $5 and forgot about the autographs. Additionally, the one card I wanted was the Jobu card which is only included in the 5x7 packs.

I finally came across a seller who was offering the 5x7 packs for $12.50 plus $3 shipping. I jumped on the opportunity and the pack came in today. I was torn on whether I should open the pack or not but damn it when you purchase a pack like this for a specific card you just have to open it.

The pack is wax, straight out of 1989 and the cards use the same 1989 design and cardboard that the regular sized base cards use except twice as large. The one disappointment about the cards is that they are not the best quality images, I would have thought digital stills would have been used.

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