
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Wrestling With Some New Autographs

A follow up to the wrestling autographs kick I have been on recently. Last week I posted some Roddy Piper cards and today I will cover the rest.

First up is Dwayne Johnson, the Rock…Do you smell what the Rock is cooking?
Surprisingly the Rock does not have any official autographs in wrestling but he does have an autograph in the 2002 Inkworks Scorpion King release (#A1). He is a personable guy and does sign autographs for fans so it is pretty easy to find reasonably priced TTM/IP autographs. This card is from the 2013 Topps WWE release.

Next is the Hulkster. Hulk Hogan has a ton of official autographs over the last 5 years. What I noticed is that he doesn’t have many modern cards with TTM/IP autographs which leads me to believe he doesn’t sign to often for fans anymore. The 1991 Classic WWF release is my favorite card for old school autographs.
Now for the big guns; Rowdy Roddy Piper. This is my second Piper autograph, I actually got this one before the 2015 Sportkings Vault card that I posted about last week. I was very iffy on this card, I went back and forth checking and double checking the letters thinking it was signed “Rowdy Roddy Piper” before I realized it is personalized. Not sure what the first line is but after some deciphering I realized that he signed it “Rowdy Roddy”. This too is from the 1991 Classic WWF release.
A double shot of the Macho Man Randy Savage, these cards were a big coup for me. Savage was a guy I just had to love, the way he talked and acted was just so cool. Hell, I still imitate him to give my kids a laugh.

The Macho Man has no official autographs and has only since begun appearing in WWE sets again in 2014, prior to that he has WWF cards through 1995 and WCW cards through 2000. There is a conspiracy connected to his banishment from WWF/WWE between 1995 and 2014 but that is for another day.

When it comes to Savage there is no real “perfect autograph” specimen. If you look at what he signed it changes quite often with the only constant being the “M” These cards are from the 1991 Classic WWF release and a 1999 WCW sticker release. I now have 4 1991 Classic WWF autograph cards; Ricky Steamboat and these three.

If you are looking for a Macho Man autograph prices range, just do your homework. Another safe option is one of his Slim Jim 8x10 promotional photos. These were given out by Macho Man at conventions so you know they touched his hands and you can find them regularly around $50.
I am still on the hunt for a wrestling autograph White Whale, a Junk Yard Dog autograph. JYD died in 1998 before autographs became popular and so his only autos are TTM/IP and there are not many around and those that show up are much higher than I can pay at this point.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet collection of autographs. Back in the 90's my buddy and another guy we worked with at the card shop had a private signing with The Rock. It's definitely one of the coolest personalized autographs in my collection.
