
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Step In My Griffey Collection

I have finally completed the transfer of my collection that was listed on Zistle in to an Excel file on my computer, this way I can access my card list at any time without needing to log on to a site. As long as Zistle is active I will continue to use the site but in some cases I am about redundancies and this gave me the opportunity to ensure that every card in my collection was truly accounted for in addition to multiples/variations that I did not list on Zistle. I did find that I had a number of cards in my collection that had not been entered for one reason or another.

TJ has all of his Griffey cards compiled in a list he calls "The Beast", which I believe is somewhere around 4,000-4,500 cards deep. My list contains 1,059 unique Griffey cards so in respect to the true Beast I honor it with naming mine The Beast Jr. 

As I worked through my collection I started to notice a pattern with his card’s checklist numbers. There were quite a few based on his jersey numbers so there were quite a few 3, 24 & 30 and he seemed to have quite a few a cards #1 and #100. Maybe some day I will go through and compile a list of what are his most common checklist numbers.


  1. Even 1000 plus cards seems like a crap ton.

  2. *blush* - Well done! It helps to have a database...

  3. how did you get an excel file? every time I try to export mine I get a .csv file ... which for me, is pretty much useless.

    1. I had trouble trying to figure out converting the .csv file so instead I just pulled out my collection and added them by hand to an Excel spreadsheet.

  4. Nice! I am getting together a Griffey checklist soon. Going to take awhile to highlight my 800 on an excel file

  5. Have you thought about throwing your list into Google Sheets? I love it because you don't have to worry about your computer crashing and losing everything, and you can access/update it from any computer.

    1. Cool, thanks for the suggestion. I just uploaded it to Google Sheets.

  6. 1,059 is super impressive. I've been collecting Gwynn for years... and if I were to guess, I'd say I'm not there yet. 4,000 to 4,500 is just insane. I bow down to both of you guys.
