
Friday, January 6, 2017

Wallet Card Volume 2

I love the idea of wallet card and I even selected one, which I ended up making a smaller version to fit in to my wallet. Sadly, I did not take many pictures with Shaq, posting only 7 times, over the two years that he has been hanging around the confines of my wallet.
I even have had many many many opportunities, some of my adventures just in the last year; two 12 hour driving trips (passing Hoover Dam and Las Vegas both times), four flights, five road trips to Lake Tahoe, multiple casinos, lots of restaurants which included the best damn burger I have ever had (No joke, if you are in Reno hit Beefy’s, you will thank me later), rode a train, watched the sun set over the Pacific Ocean, saw a couple of plays, a wedding, a college graduation, a handful of art exhibits, saw a custom Seahawks guitar, visited some haunted hotels in Virginia City and I ate alligator. I really could have taken my wallet card out once or twice during any of those times.
This year I plan to be more diligent with my photographing and this year I have selected a Ken Griffey Jr card, his 1994 Bowman’s Best #40. I really like this card and at one point had been a ghost card, I now have two so one stays in the collection and one gets to spend the next 12 months hanging out in a wallet.


  1. Nice selection! Best of luck in 2017.

  2. Can't really go wrong picking a Griff to hang in your wallet.
