
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

So You Don't Have To Experiment #1- Worm Food

Today I start my “So you don’t have to” series and I am beginning with the one that will take the longest to accomplish so it will be first. I chose today because it is my 45th Birthday today so it will be easy for me to remember the end date of the experiment.

The first experiment comes from Fuji who wondered if all of the commons from the beginning of the junk wax era that he donated to Goodwill would have been better as worm compost. We will have to wait one year but we will finally have our answer on May 30, 2018.

Fuji specifically mentioned 1988 and 1989 Topps but after doing studies of the local environment, the weather patterns and local indigenous plant life and wildlife in Northern Arizona I took in to consideration the composition of the cardboard that Topps was using in 1988 and 1989 I came up with a decision to instead use cards from the 1990 Bowman baseball release. No, just kidding, actually I just happened to have three 1990 Bowman Mike Boddicker cards and since they are similar to the ’88 and ’89 Topps cards they became the donor cards for this experiment.
I dug an elongated hole along the southeast wall in my backyard, one half of the hole is three inches down and the other half of the hole is six inches down. This section is open to the sun and elements and is clear of vegetation. I placed a card flat at three inches and one card flat at six inches with the third card between them standing up so the bottom of the card is at six inches and the top at three inches.
Where the cards are buried they will encounter air temperatures that range from around 10-15 degrees during the winter to 100-105 degrees during the summer. There will be rain, snow and high winds as well as small animals and birds. I don’t expect the animals will affect the cards but they may in some way that I don’t see happening so I wanted to include them in the list.
We will see the Boddicker triplets next spring.

If you have any more ideas of things I can do so you don't have to I would love to hear them. Check out my initial post that includes the list of things I will be doing and feel free to leave a comment if you have something else you would like added.


  1. Love the experiment!

    Happy birthday!

  2. I can't wait to see how they turn out after a year's time.

  3. Will be curious to see what happens. Happy birthday!

  4. Awesome! Can't wait to see the results in a year. Hopefully there will be a few worm holes.

  5. I'm a little late seeing this, so happy belated birthday!
