
Friday, July 28, 2017

Computer Bummer...

While clearing out some derelict files on my computer two weeks ago I accidently removed some files connected to Win 10 which led to some functions and apps not performing properly. When I realized the culprit, I loaded up a restore point from the beginning of July and everything seemed to be going according to plan when I got a dreaded Stop Code. The stop codes are not terminal like the blue screen of death but because I was in the middle of a restore I was out of options.

In the end, I had to reset my system to factory settings. I have an external hard drive where I keep important files but the last time I loaded up my files was February so I lost several recent projects. Ugh…

My Griffey Beast Jr. excel spreadsheet was one of the victims, my Griffey Wants List too. I do have old files from both so I am not starting from scratch but both are now 5 months old and need be updated. I also lost some custom cards, including the finalized  images of the Simpsons set. I do have the .psd files of the Simpsons cards except for Homer and Mr. Burns so it wasn't a complete loss in that case. 

I don’t know how many times over the last decade I lost files when I had a hard drive crash or catastrophic event and that was the reason I got the external hard drive but I need to update those files more than every 6 months.


  1. Man, that stinks. I think I'll spend the morning backing files up.

  2. Bummer. I feel your pain. Last year I learned the hard way when I spilled water on my work's Macbook. These days I have everything automatically saved to my iCloud from by desktop and laptop.

  3. Oh dang, sorry to hear about all that. I hope you are back up and running back to currents status sooner than later!
