
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Two More Additions To The Panini Autopen Scandal

Time to add a couple more autopen autographs to Panini’s list.

After the announcement that Dak Prescott used an autopen on stickers that Panini used for his redemptions from the 2016 Panini Prizm release some people have begun checking on other Panini sets to see if this is not a one-time occurrence and a person on the Blowout forum found that Brian Kelly, from Florida Georgia Line, used an autopen on the stickers that Panini used for the 2014 Panini Country release. Another person found that Kelly’s bandmate Tyler Hubbard also used an autopen for the stickers that were used in the same release.

The use of an autopen is not Panini’s fault, that is on the athlete/personality that are signing the cards and stickers, but what is on Panini is that on more than one occasion these autographs have passed through people’s hands and nobody did anything about it. One or two autopen autographs can understandable slip through without being noticed but in the case of Kelly and Hubbard we are talking sheets of perfectly signed autographs that are on the same location of every sticker and signed with the same pressure, same start and stop location, same little swoop and loops and same angle every time. This is a situation of seeing and not caring, a QA issue.

At this point collectors are just looking for any autograph sequence that may look similar as a way to nail Panini, though this isn’t only a Panini problem, this a Panini only problem right now.


  1. This totally sucks. If I were the Cardboard Gods... I'd go back to simpler times where there are less autographed cards... and the ones that are autographed were signed in front of a company representative. I realize it's not as convenient, but Trout and Bryant can sit down for 10 minutes before batting practice and sign 25 cards.

    1. I totally agree, I would prefer less autographs of better players and inserted at a longer odds rate.
