
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Injections In My Spine Or A Manufactured Relic, I Got Both For You Today

This morning I started another series of spinal cortisone injections and I am in a lot of pain so today is a one-card post. Each series is three rounds of injections over a five-week period, so I got one round today and will go back in two weeks and then the final round will be two weeks after that. Each round is 3-5 individual injections, today was three injections. This is my 6th series in a little over 3 years with a spinal surgery in the summer of 2015 so this has become a part of my life that while temporarily painful gives me some relief from the spinal degeneration pain for a couple of weeks afterwards.

The card of the day

I am not a fan of most manufactured relics and I keep away from them usually but when it comes to Griffey I will often open my mind when building a collection. I picked this up in July and it is pretty cool, the card is extremely heavy because the medallion is metal and I like that so I decided to add manufactured relics to my Griffey Want List.


  1. I completed the "rainbow" of the Mariners (minus A-Rod) for the medallion and the three color MLB Debut inserts. It's a neat little set

  2. That sounds rather unpleasant. Even though I'm in back pain 24/7 I don't trust doctors enough to let them mess with it.

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon. I hate needles and get anxiety when they need to numb my mouth. Can't even begin to imagine them injecting my spine.

    On a more positive note... that Griffey is sweet! Love seeing him as a Mariner.

  4. This sounds extremely painful! And I may be wrong, but isn't there a chance that too many Cortisone shots could potentially cause you more problems further down the road? I would hope that this isn't the best that those new doctors of yours have to offer.

    Hopefully these shots will end up giving you more than just a couple of weeks worth of relief, and thanks for giving us an update.

  5. I applaud you for even posting. Completely healthy, and no excuse but apathy and laziness for not posting. I need to get off my butt and post.
    Multiple rounds of multiple needles? Ugh. Best of luck to you!

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