
Saturday, July 21, 2018

A Killer Pacific Largent Set

In 1989 Pacific released a 110-card Steve Largent set that covered his entire life through 1989, including his childhood. The set is made up of 85 base cards and then a 25-card subset that is a 5x5 (25 cards) puzzle card.

I had no intention of picking up the set one by one because I have no LCS, there are no shows near me and the only way would be grabbing them off eBay or COMC and I didn’t feel like paying .50 cents to $1.00 per card. That was until I found a seller who was selling the set with an opening bid of .99 cents plus $5.15 shipping. The kicker is that the COA on the side of the case is signed by Largent and I have seen enough Steve Largent autographs to know that I am 100% confident this is real. 
I tossed up a bid of $4.85 and waited for the countdown. Nobody else bid and I won it for the $6.14 shipped and I am so excited. I got the cards yesterday, so I had to build the puzzle card first thing. This puzzle card is the largest card I now own and if I had a man cave I would frame it for the wall. This 110-card Pacific set nearly doubled my Steve Largent collection from 120 unique cards to 230 unique cards.


  1. I had never heard of this set before, pretty neat though! Seeing something like this, really reminds me of just how great Pacific was. Were they all signed by Steve, or is this set just a cool anomaly?

    1. The cards were released two ways. You could buy a box that came with 36 packs, a complete set plus extras, or in a complete set in a sealed shrink wrapped brick. The bricks are the ones that had the sticker COA on the side and they were not signed, so I am guessing whoever put the set in the plastic case got it signed.

  2. Holy cow, that is a great pickup with a signature and everything. Heck of a deal. Crazy that they printed a whole set dedicated to him.

  3. Great looking set. The autograph is a nice bonus. Mariner1 (Emerald City Diamond Gems) hooked me up with this set years ago.
