
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Glass Mariners

I am not a fan of wide vision, Tall Boys or oversized cards in general, mini cards too, they are difficult to store and in a case like mine where I have limited space storing cards comes in to mind when making some purchases. 

 I gave in last year when I did my Black Friday COMC order and picked up both Felix Hernandez and Robinson Cano from the 2017 Gypsy Queen release. They really display nicely with a refractor surface and I really dig the design, even the backs look neat. The 2018 release has a border so the colored parallels look great but with no Mariners on the checklist I wont be adding any to my collection.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize that the Mariners had box toppers in the 2017 release. I just picked up the Felix version on COMC. Can't wait to see it in person.
