
Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday Question Day- Are We Ever Done Sorting?

Do you ever feel like you are done organizing and sorting?

I have cut my collection down significantly this year and then I began sorting and while I feel I am done, it is a feeling that I am not certain it is how I want to keep everything so I have this itch to begin again. Since I "finished" the organizing about a month ago I have already started to make changes by moving my Mariners PC (Buhner and Edgar Martinez) in to the 5,000-ct box with my Griffey PC. I am sure more changed will come along the next time I get a large COMC order.


  1. You can't be done if you never start! That's my method. It works terribly and I can't find anything in my collection, but at least I don't have to sit there and sort all those cards and comics!

    1. NO. Just had to reshuffle an unorganized mess into boxes to make things even more unorganized.

  2. The last time I was completely sorted was two weeks after my son was born, when I bought a huge collection. Bought another one a few months later, and a couple more after that. Plus 75+ boxes or trades with my street vendor, plus the usual trading with other bloggers. My son turns four tomorrow and I'm still not done sorting from that buy right after he was born.

  3. I've felt good about being caught up with sorting before... but I've never accepted the fact that I'm finished. Unless I'm cashing in on my collection and narrowing things down to the bare essentials, I feel like there will always be cards in my household that need to be sorted... or will need to be sorted.
