
Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday Question Day- Count 'Em Up?

Today is question day:

How do you track your wants?

I have a master Wants List Word document that lists every card that I want to add to my collection, currently sitting at 1,459 cards. I have it broken up by sport and non-sport and then my PC collection is listed individually under the respective sport. Here are my current counts.

Griffey- 1,236 cards on my wants list
Ryan Bader- 81 cards on my wants list not counting #1/1 (188 with #1/1)
Allen Iverson- 45 cards on my wants list
Buhner- 41 cards on my wants list
Gary Payton- 17 cards on my wants list
Steve Largent- 5 cards on my wants list
Edgar Martinez- 4 cards on my wants list


  1. Google website with separate pages for each sport (Baseball sets, football sets, football PCs, modern baseball PCs, vintage bb PCs, hockey, etc.)
    Plus a binder full of printed lists of things that are too big or too specialized to fit well on the website. Number grids, long term set builds, special variations/parallels, complete team set list.
    I would never try to get a count. The lists are ever evolving and expanding. The PCs just get more obscure stuff added and I find new sets all the time.

  2. I try to do it on this blog and fail miserably.

  3. Wants are on the want list on my blog. That's the only way ... other than in my head, and that's not an efficient way at all.

  4. Google Sheets. Several different files, each with many different tabs. While I couldn't possibly tell you overall how many cards I have or need, for a couple collections I can tell you exactly that. Sheets has been a lifesaver for me on the road, too. My collections are too detailed and too big to simply have a regular list.
