
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Part of Me

This year you can say that I have neglected my blog with only 6 posts total. I am still active in the hobby, but besides 2 or 3 purchase I have not added much to my collection. I am on TCDB daily so that keeps me up to date on the hobby news.

This year has been a real struggle for me due to my physical and mental health and two weeks ago I was in the hospital for 5 days. I normally wouldn’t discuss this, but it was a psychiatric hospital. I was in a mentally abusive marriage for 12 of the 16 years we were together and even though we are divorced she continues. Between therapy and some other events there is an end in sight.

I hope that anyone who is considering suicide please re-consider. There may be dark days and they may last for a while, but there is help and things can change.

If you want to talk privately I will help where I can and any discussion will remain confidential.. You can email me here or catch me on Twitter



  1. You are so very brave, Corky. What can I say but thank you? Thank you for sharing, and for being here, right now. Living in the moment is sometimes all one can do. I can say that in my youth, I went through a dark time. I can't compare my experience to yours in any way. Your journey is your own and your post is touching. Thank you...

    1. I had this post written 3 or 4 times, I kept editing it because I didn't know what to say. I finally uploaded this yesterday morning because I wasn't sure but wanted to post in hopes that if someone else is feeling the same way, they aren't alone.

  2. It takes a lot of courage to publicly share something as personal as this, so for that I thank you. I can't say I've gone through anything similar, but I have friends who have. Like you they got the help they needed, and got through it. Better days are always ahead!

    1. Being in the hospital was my spring board to having confidence to begin the proper steps of overcoming the mental abuse.

  3. Although I haven't gone through this myself, I have several people close to me that have and thankfully they reached out and got help. Like Matt and Julie both stated, it was courageous of you to write this post... and very thoughtful to offer to help others at the same time. Thank you for that.

    1. It is a scary to be alone during the times when having negative or dangerous thoughts.

  4. Hey Corky, hope you are doing better. What is the link to your TCDB list? I'll check it out and maybe we can do a trade.

    1. My profile link
