
Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Johnny Manziel will be in Houston during the Super Bowl and he will be signing autographs for all his adoring fans. Crave Sports has set up the autograph signing for one hour each day on February 2nd and February 3rd at two different malls in Houston. And because Johnny Football is in such high demand you can expect to pay big bucks to fuel his addictions: $99 for an autograph and an additional $29 for an inscription. Want a photo with the train wreck? It will be $99 for a photo op or $50 for a selfie.
I am certain there will be hundreds of fans at each signing all willing to pay the $99+ to get his autograph at a live event. Just to break things down, let’s say 100 people show up for each 1-hour session, this means he will spend an average of 36 seconds with each person. Is paying $99 for half a minute with Manziel seem logical?
Now if I were even a fan there are plenty of options out there that would save time and money, though you do miss out on the 36 seconds of being in his vicinity and breathing the same air.
If 8x10 photos is your choice for autographs, this Panini Authentic Johnny Manziel Cleveland Browns autographed 8x10 that was signed at the 2014 National during Panini’s VIP party went for $15.50 w/ $4.50 shipping last week. There are currently two more up for auction for under $40 shipped.
If you are more a card autograph type of collector there is a very cool option in this 2014 Press Pass Gameday Gallery autograph #10/25. I think this is a nice looking card, limited and an on-card autograph. You cannot go wrong with this one and it isn’t bad at $20 w/ $3 shipping, this would be my choice.

1 comment:

  1. I'd stand in line for 15 minutes for a JFF auto if they PAID ME $99. Otherwise, no dice.
