
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Well Damn

Last night I was forced to do something that every collector dreads. It doesn’t matter if you collect cards, comic books or antique furniture but we fear that day when we need to make decisions and our collection comes in second.
I have serious health issues, not terminal but to the point where my daily life is significantly worse than I should be at 44-years old. I require a collection of medication daily, some days the pain is so bad I need to use a cane just to walk a few feet and it is possible that in a decade I may not be able to walk. I do have good days and bad days but I have accepted my illnesses and come to terms with all that comes with them but in the past 18 months I have gone through a number of medical procedures, two surgeries, a divorce and in the past six months two moves. The bills do add up and the moves destroyed my savings cushion so part of my collection will need to be sacrificed.
The worst is that my Great White Whale, the 1933 Goudey Lou Gehrig, is part of that sacrifice along with Gehrig, Mantle and Thorpe jersey relic cards. I hoped this day would ever happen but it finally did.
This decision has not come easily and now that I have listed the cards I feel like I am in a funk and honestly part of me wants to just give in and stop collecting but another part of me wants to soldier on and points to the joy I have of collecting and interacting with the hobby community.     


  1. Sucks to hear it, man! Wishing you the best.

  2. Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up.

  3. Ouch. Hopefully you can get close to what you want for the sacrifices.

  4. So sorry to hear the news. Best wishes!

  5. It sucks when real life intrudes on the hobbies we enjoy. There are a couple of cards I had to sell during some rough moments in my own life, and I still feel bad about it. I hope you don't have to give up too much in order to get back on your feet.

  6. Really sorry you're going through such a tough time. Hang in there!

  7. Don't give up collecting with all the joys it brings. Hopefully someday you can go and pick them up again. Hang in there.

  8. Wow. Keep your head up and try not to totally give up on the hobby. The hobby can be nice distraction.

  9. Sorry to hear that. I agree with P-Town Tom, the hobby can be a nice distraction from all life throws at us.

  10. I hate reading posts like this. I see friends hurting and there's so very little I can do to help. When it comes down to the bottom line, these are all just silly squares of paper. What that are, and which ones we have, don't define us.

  11. Sorry to hear that. Your paragraph about your health problems sounds almost word for wor like what I go through on a daily basis. it's no fun but at least I have my hobbies to keep it from being too unbearable- I think you should keep yours as well. I'm sorry you have to give up your cards, but hopefully you will be able to get them back at some point.

  12. Oh man. So sorry to hear the terrible news. I hope that your body makes a miraculous recovery and that other things in your life start turning around for the better.
